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Health Concerns

Systemic inflammatory diseases are as the name implies, disorders in which inflammation (biochemical fires) are spread throughout the body.  Additionally, oxidative stress (excess toxic chemicals) is elevated within the body as well.  The clinical manifestation is usually that of dysfunction of multiple organ systems.  Constitutional symptoms such as fatigue or low energy level are common.  Fever and increased heart rate are frequently found on examination.

Immune Related Diseases

There are many types of systemic inflammatory diseases.  It is beyond the scope of this discussion to try to list them all. However, it would be helpful to list a few examples of systemic illnesses in the context of their categories related to immune system dysfunction.  We will discuss these systemic illnesses in the context of immune related disease of two types: Impaired Immunity and Autoimmunity (Hyperactive Immunity).

Impaired Immunity

This condition consists of decreased immune function.  It could be related to a disease state such as diabetes or liver disease or medication use such as steroids.  Types of systemic illnesses associated with impaired immunity include systemic infections like bacterial endocarditis, sepsis, or tuberculosis. Noninfectious conditions include metastatic cancers or bone marrow diseases.

In this setting the body is more susceptible to foreign invasion due to decreased surveillance or termination of such foreign agents.


In the setting of autoimmunity, individuals are in a situation where the immune system is mis-programmed to attack native cells and tissues (i.e. “self”).  This is sometimes referred to as hyper-immunity but is more accurately described as a misguided immune system.  Examples of systemic inflammatory diseases associated with autoimmune disorders include: Systemic Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogren’s disease, and the like. 

MHW Approach to Systemic Inflammation

Most of our patients suffering primarily from systemic inflammation respond very well to the combination of a food level 0-4b detoxification along with the MHW MSM and MHW Liposomal Circumin supplements.  The more severe the amount of inflammation, the more aggressive the detox level. 

Close clinical follow up is frequently needed here for the weaning of other anti-inflammatory medications while monitoring symptoms and compliance.  Regular blood testing is done to follow inflammatory markers to quantify the clinical progress.

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